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Showing posts from December, 2022

The Joy of the Lord is our Strength!

 Praise GOD for a new year! Hallelujah KING JESUS! You are GOOD and WORTHY to be praised! We thank you in advance for crowning our year with your goodness Lord! (Psalms 65:11) Many things and situations have changed over these last few years. Loved ones passed, families separated, marriages broken, friendships disillusioned, job loss, economy shift, the list of woes can go on and on. We may not know the reason, but my Father use to say, "Just keep getting up, and putting one foot in front of the other." The answers will come by and by.  No matter where you find yourself on January 1st, 2023. Find the joy in having your moving and your being in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Find joy in knowing the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Find joy in knowing He is on your side! Find joy in knowing the One that can turn the hearts of kings like the river. Find joy in knowing the One who spoke to the dark and there was light! Find joy in knowing the God of the Universe! The one true ...

Preparing for 2023

Praise the Lord!! (Midnight hour of 12/31/22) In preparation for 2023, I have been seeking the Lord, worshipping and making my request known. Alongside each request, I place 1 or 2 scriptures that solidify the request. The bible says, that the Lord will hasten His Word to perform it.(Jerimiah 1:12) It also says that he magnifies His Word above His name. (Psalms 138:2) So in an attempt to not ask amiss (James 4:3) the Holy Spirit led me to back each request with scripture. For example: my request to be Holy, Healthy, and Happy. One of the scriptures used to undergird it, is 3rd John 1:2 - Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. You write the vision (Habakkuk 2:2) and make your requests known with prayer and thanksgiving (Phillipians 4:6). Coupled with the unfailing Word of God. Not only are we then praying in conjunction with His will, we are giving the Angels direct orders. That's how we become a skilled Archer in the...

Praises and Petitions at Midnight

Psalms 119:62 “At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments.” During one of the hardest seasons of my life the Lord revealed to me the hidden treasure of rising to pray and praise our Father in the midnight hour. To jumpstart our day afresh, connected with the Source of Life, Jesus the Christ.  To arm ourselves with worship, the Word, and the Full Armor of God! It is sound and biblical wisdom to pray and praise at Midnight.  Paul and Silas delivered themselves and the rest of the prisoners with them when they praised God at midnight! Through worshipping at midnight they were able to save a soldier from killing himself. They even went on to save the soldier's entire household and baptize them in Jesus name! (Acts 16:25-34) There is just a principle that's available in the midnight hour.  Samson even after committing sin with a harlot, was able to intercept the plans of the enemy at midnight!  The Gazites laid wait for h...

Hope against Hope

Lord, I like many reading carry a deep hope for my prayers and petitions. Let that which we desire come to past according to your Holy will. Your word declares that hope maketh not ashamed. Let not our hopes bring us to shame in JESUS' name (Romans 5:5) The bible carries the greatest definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1. It says that, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Just because we may not physically see our hope does in no way discount our faith. It actually gives us something to hold on to, until that hope is fully realized. Awaiting the manifestation of a promise or prayer is not for the faint of heart. The bible even goes on to say that hope deferred makes the heart sick. (Proverbs 13:12) But praise God, the same verse also states that when the desire comes it is a tree of life. Our Brother Abraham can confirm that standing in hope for something is not a small feat. The bible states that Abraham against hope believed i...

"We push you win!"

"We push you win!" I saw this billboard today. (12/10/22) I can just imagine the Holy Spirit and a team of skilled angels assigned to my case reassuring me of this. It was a sweet nudge to stop fretting, texting, and worrying. To let go and trust the Eternal God with this but light affliction. Surely there is nothing too hard for Him. What He can not do, does not exist. I on the other hand am not qualified to fight this battle. And will do more damage than good. Truly, we wrestle not against flesh and blood. And the weapons of our warfare ARE NOT carnal. They surely don't consist of phones, social media, or any physical means. This battle is not mines but the Lord's. And I'm actually glad about that. I have imminent victory promised to me. So I will be still, and praise God. For He is good and His mercy endures forever! (Proceeds to wait)

2023 is for the Kingdom of God!

Lord, the upcoming year 2023 is not about riches, fitness, or some cheesy love story. Let it be about your will being perfected in the lives of your saints! (Psalms 138:8) Let it be about the enemy being defeated and souls receiving long awaited deliverance! (Leviticus 26:6) Let it be about the healing of nations! (Revelations 22:2)  Lord in 2023 let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream! (Amos 5:24) Let the lost be found! Let sinners come into repentance! Let Prodigals return to Zion! (Luke 15:11) Send forth your laborers to seek out and gather your harvest of souls! Let not another harvest be laid to waste in JESUS' name! (Matthew 9:37-38) Lord show us YOUR plans and goals for 2023! What would you have the Body of Christ to focus on? Your Word declares without a vision men perish! (Proverbs 29:18) It also states that our people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge! (Hosea 4:6) Holy Spirit, please educate us and give us the tools we need! Give us wisdo...

Worshipping While Waiting

Isaiah 40:31  But they that wait upon the  Lord  shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Lord, please continue to strengthen that which is weak in me. Heal my unbelief. If there is any part of me that is not fully persuaded that you will do these things that I ask of you. Remind me of your great faithfulness. Build me up on my most holy faith. Help me to think on your goodness. Help me to shift my focus from the problem to the solution. Help me to worship you! For you are the solution Lord God. I worship you in the beauty of your Holiness. You are the Lord God Almighty, and there is nothing too hard for you. You make the impossible, possible. You part the seas, you deliver from fire, you close the lions mouth and cause me to be victorious in every battle. What you can not do does not exist! Thank you for being mindful of me and granting me my requests. Thank you for giving ...

Prayer in Time of Grief

Father, thank you for your unfailing love and kindness towards me. Thank you for being my refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. (Psalms 46:1) Lord, your word declares that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but you Lord will deliver us out of them all. (Psalms 34:19) I may not know what the future holds, but I trust that your plans for me are good. (Jeremiah 29:11) My heart doesn't feel good, my circumstances may not look good, but I trust that it will all work out for my good, according to your Holy Word. (Romans 8:28) Father, if there is anything in me that has caused this calamity or grief to come upon me I repent of it now. I ask that you correct me and show me your mercy. If this circumstance has come by way of another's sin, I ask that you correct them, bring them to repentance and show them mercy. I understand that you are sovereign, and your ways are past finding out. As far as the east is from the west is your thoughts from my thoughts. I...

Deliverance from Witchcraft Prayer

I SUFFER NOT A WITCH TO LIVE  according to Exodus 22:18. I decree and declare that this prayer is written by the Holy Ghost and sealed in the BLOOD OF JESUS. No power of darkness can prevail against it in the mighty and matchless name of JESUS CHRIST! HALLELUJAH and AMEN! FATHER GOD, in the mighty and matchless name of JESUS CHRIST, the only name given by which men can be saved! I come before your THRONE OF GRACE boldly, that I may obtain MERCY and find GRACE in my time of need. Lord, I need deliverance from any and all witchcraft immediately and indefinitely in JESUS' name! If there is any open door of disobedience or sin in my life, I renounce and repent of it now in JESUS' name. I also repent on behalf of my loved ones if they have any open doors to sin or disobedience. I command that every witch, demon, and evil spirit lose access to our lives now in JESUS' mighty name. I command any doors open to be shut and sealed now with the blood of JESUS. I command a Wonderful wal...